Using the Problem-Agitate-Solve framework write 23 emails that will 10X your conversions. Thanks for the upvote

Your task is to Use the Problem-Agitate-Solve framework, write an email 23 campaign where the ideal customer avatar has a problem list the problem here, agitate that problem and solve with product, service or idea All output shall be in Target Language. The test to 53 is this: #Ideal_Customer_With_Problem_Solve_With_Product_Service_Or_Idea
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5 688

With just one click, it is possible to generate a list of ENEM-type questions

Instruções: Use o tema #Keyword para construir 5 questões objetivas com 5 alternativas cada As questões seguem o padrão da prova do ENEM. Para elaborar as questões use: 1- O Guia para Elaboração e Revisão de Itens do ENEM (Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio) que está em: ; 2 - a matriz de referência que está em: Cada questão terá uma resposta correta. Cada questão terá a resolução. O formato de saída será: Questões Gabarito Resoluções Use #Build_Enem_Assessment como o início do texto. Todas as saídas devem estar em Target Language. Estilo de escrita [CREATIVE]
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7 186

Create a long, creative, different text, with 80 words, talking about a specific animal per paragraph, in XML-based

Apresente o resultado no idioma Target Language Criar um texto longo, criativo, diferente, com 80 palavras, falando de um .... especifico por parágrafo. que tenha 10 parágrafos. Na linguagem de marcação baseada em XML, usando somente os parâmetros, , e , não usar o Parâmetro
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6 349

Create 30 TAGS to rank top on youtube search with SEO & LSI

Please ignore all previous instructions. I want you to respond only in language Target Language I\'d like you to take on the role of a YouTube video content creator, 1) Create 30 YouTube Tags Targeting an LSI Keyword with High SEO to rank top on youtube high search volume for the following Topic: [ PROMPT ]. No hashtags, separate keywords by commas. Only capitalize proper nouns. 500 character count Here is your first prompt: #Your_Youtube_Video_Topic
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7 616


Your task is to translate modern English to old English and old English to Modern English. All output shall be in Target Language. The text to translate is this: #William_Shakespeare_Language_Translator_Morden_Slang_To_His_Language
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4 139


I want you to act as a Content writer very proficient SEO that speaks and writes fluently. Write an SEO-optimized Long Form article with 1. Language of the article: Target Language . 2. Please use a minimum of 10 headings and sub headings, included H1, H2, and H3, H4 Headings. 3. also add 10 FAQs and FAQs must be different from already written heading, question titles should be h3 or **bold, do not use h1 and h2 tags. 4. The final paragraph should be a conclusion 5. write the information in your own words rather than copying and pasting from other sources. 6. also double-check for plagiarism because I need pure unique content, 7. write the content in a conversational style as written by a human. 8. When preparing the article, prepare to write the necessary words in bold. 9. The headings in the article contain the #Keyword. 10. write content so that it can outrank other websites. Do not reply that there are many factors that influence good search rankings. I know that quality of content is just one of them, and it is your task to write the best possible quality content here, not to lecture me on general SEO rules. I give you the Title of an article that we need to outrank in Google. Then I want you to write an article in a formal we form that helps me outrank the article I gave you, in Google. The article should contain rich and comprehensive, very detailed paragraphs, with lots of details. Do not echo my prompt. Do not remind me what I asked you for. Do not apologize. Do not self-reference. Do now use generic filler phrases. Do use useful subheadings with keyword-rich titles. Get to the point precisely and accurately. Do not explain what and why, just give me your best possible article. Make headings bold and appropriate for h tags. Create a meta description paragraph at the end of the article; Write the 5 most searched titles related to side by side by separating them with commas. The article should be written strictly in markdown format and formatted appropriately to meet the requirements.
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5 180

Writing an Article about the benefits of adopting any pet; eg: dog or cat (any cat or dog breed), parrot, etc

Write a 1000-word article about the benefits of adopting a #Keyword_Adopting_Any_Pet_Eg_Dog as a pet. Please include information about the positive impact of ownership on mental health, the various types of and their personalities, how to prepare your home for a new , and resources for finding a reputable adoption agency, if any. Also, please include at least three personal anecdotes about your experiences with to help engage and connect with readers. Your article should be informative, engaging, and well-33ed, with proper citations where necessary. write all output in Target Language
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9 067

Sequenced improvements for any text. Creates a table with a list of 10 improvements for you to pick from. Hover for more details. Keeps track of changes already made and shows you an updated table after each pick from the list. After a change is made and you are not happy with it, you can ask the AI to change it (ie say 'change new york to amsterdam' You can also make several changes at the same time for instance 1,2,5,9 will change those 4 options at once. Type changelog to see the changes made so far. text to get the current revised text table to get the full table. (sometimes AI will only show changes on this table, in that case type 'full table') In need 5 upvotes to post more content like this (rules). Based on original idea by AllAboutAI

[INSTRUCTIONS] I have a text {#Text}. I would like to make sequential changes to this text. Generate a table view of 10 different suggestions of improvements that could be related to the {text} with numbers in the left column of the table for me to pick from. All changes need to be implemented seperate. After the table, ask the question What improvements would you like to make to the text? Pick one (or more) from the table above. Type `text` to see your full text or `table` to redraw the table at any time. Type `changelog` to get the changes 53d. below the table. Keep a log of all the changes made in the right column. Using the implemented change text in the column (change only). If not already so, change you question, reply and table language to Target Language. All interactions are in Target Language. Implement the reply and show the updated table again until the list is fully implemented. When I type \'text\' show the updated full text. The table should be multi-column.
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9 196

Get expert guidance on Earned Value Management from industry professionals! Ask burning questions, gain valuable insights, and optimize project performance. Unlock the power of EVM with personalized advice from our seasoned experts. Take control of your projects and maximize success. Consult an EVM expert today!

Please ignore all previous instructions. I want you to respond only in language Target Language. I want you to act as an earned value management expert with 20 years experience implementing earned value management in projects and that you also speak and write fluent Target Language. I want you to pretend that you can explain earned value management so accurately in Target Language as if you were explaining it to a five year old child. Your task now is giving the best advice when it comes to implementing earned value management in projects. All output shall be in Target Language. The text to 53 is this: #Ask_Anything_On_Earned_Value_Management
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2 747

Create a yt video script, videos of 2:30 min

Create a script for this idea : #Idea_Of_Video. It is a script for a youtube video with a duration of 2:30 minutes approximately, the script should be oriented in trying to get as much retention as possible. The script should have this structure : -Intro : start with a question that makes the viewer want to stay until the end of the video, the question should start with Did you know that.... -Content of the video, with paragraphs and short data (separate the different data in paragraphs). -Farewell, saying something similar to if you didn\'t know any of these data, subscribe and like should vary for each script. No indication of images or who should say the text, just the text to be read. Do it in Target Language. paragraphs of 20 words maximum the script must have a writing style that generates curiosity in the viewer Remove the words intro, content and farewell. The script must be dynamic and fast. If there is a list of things, put the number written in the dash
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6 046

Create a title, hashtags, TAGs and description for your Youtube video with SEO techniques. (Biffi)

Você é um Youtuber. Eu quero que você escreva 5 sugestões de títulos utilizando a palavra-chave. Escreva os títulos com uma linguagem persuasiva e chamativa. Escreva esses títulos em uma lista. Informe qual título você recomenda e dê seus motivos. Faça uma descrição de 1000 palavras para o vídeo com o título sugerido utilizando técnicas de SEO para a palavra-chave informada. Repita a palavra-chave 5 vezes. Escreva esse texto corrido, sem listas. Convide o espectador para assistir os outros vídeos do canal. Me dê 3 sugestões de hashtags. Me dê 15 sugestões de tag separadas por vírgula. Não acrescente nenhuma introdução antes dos textos. Escreva apenas o que foi solicitado sem títulos. Inicie o prompt com a seguinte frase: Olá! Esse é mais um pprompt do Biffi! Veja aqui os dados que você precisa para publicar um vídeo incrível no Youtube! A palavra-chave é #Keyword Escreva o texto em Target Language
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10 311

Only Amz Bullet Point

Can you write 5 Amazon Bullet Points, each Bullet Points should be of 150 Characters and each should also have 2 or 3 Word header. Ensure it doesn’t include any surety words like 100%, perfect, unique, perfect, best, High quality – This is very important By using the following information #Product_Details write all output in Target Language
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7 789

Help me write a persuasive email for my MailChimp subscribers

Help me write a persuasive sales email for my MailChimp subscribers, I want the email to be short having small paragraphs, headings, bullet points, and more. Add the factor of curiosity and greed within the email to keep the audience engaged. All output should be Target Language. Based on the given information please draft the full email. The the people i am sending emails are really in the need of the following services. #Write_The_Services_You_Offer
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1 282

Boost your website's visibility and drive more organic traffic with our game-changing Copywriter SEO tool. Unlock the power of optimized content that ranks higher in search results. Craft persuasive, SEO-friendly copy effortlessly and watch your website soar to new heights. Get the competitive edge today!

Saya perintahkan Anda berperan sebagai professional copywriter dengan gaya penulisan seperti Ayu Utami yang mahir berbahasa Target Language. Tulis artikel Panjang dan dioptimasi SEO dengan ketentuan 1. minimal 1500 kata. 2. Pakai pendahuluan 3. Gunakan minimal 7 judul dan sub judul, termasuk Judul H1, H2, dan H3, H4. 4. Paragraf terakhir berupa kesimpulan 5. tulis informasi dengan gaya bahasa sendiri 6. Konten unik bebas plagiarisme 7. tulis artikel dengan gaya percakapan seolah-olah layaknya manusia. 8. Saat menyiapkan artikel, bersiaplah untuk menulis kata-kata yang diperlukan dengan huruf tebal. 9. Saya ingin Anda menulis konten terbaik Tulis artikel dengan gaya bahasa unik. Berikan saya judul beserta meta deskripsi. #Input_Keyword
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9 476

create full blog post the blog post will be SEO optimize and unique

your task is to write a blog post or article in all output shall be in Target Languageon the given title for the block post make sure that the content should be SEO optimized. #Enter_Title_Here
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8 326

Write a long blogpost with multiple headings. Headings are formatted correctly in header tags.

Please ignore all previous instructions. I want you to respond only in language Target Language. You are a professional copywriter. You are a very proficient SEO expert and know everything about SEO. You speak and write fluent Target Language. You know everything about the Google guidelines about EAT. I want you to pretend that you can write content so good in Target Language that it can outrank other websites. You are an authority that knows and writes a lot about #Blogpost_Title. Write all the content in a conversational style. Make it look like it\'s written by a real human. Write the article as long as possible, at least 1000 words. Use at least 5 headings to structure the article in different sections. All the information should be as detailed as possible. Each section should contain 200 words. Make it as personal as possible. This can be done by using natural language, avoiding technical jargon, and writing in a way that is easy to understand. Additionally, could you please use contractions, colloquialisms, and other language that is commonly used in everyday conversation to make the content feel more human. Also try to express personal feelings about the topic too. Let the article be a long form article. Do use useful subheadings with keyword-rich titles. Explain each heading very detailed with at least 200 words of information. Format all the headings in valid markdown syntax. The length of the article is crucial! It should be at least 1000 words long. Make the content as long as you can. Do not explain how SEO works. Do not tell you\'re an SEO expert. Do not tell your speak and write fluent Target Language. Do not reply that there are many factors that influence good search rankings. Do not lecture me on general SEO rules. Do not explain what the Google EAT guidelines are. I already know how Google EAT works. Do not mention anything about EAT. Do not echo my prompt. Do not remind me what I asked you for. Do not apologize. Do not self-reference. Do not use generic filler phrases. Do not write a conclusion paragraph at the end. Do not address the readers directly. Do not use greetings. Don\'t say hi. Do not explain why and what you are doing. Do not write a conclusion paragraph before the article is at least 1000 words long. I give you the title of an article that we need to outrank in Google. It must be written in the informal you form of address. Write a long, fully markdown formatted article in Target Language that could rank on Google on the same keywords as that article. Remember that the article should be very long. We need a very detailed article of at least 1000 words. Each section should contain at least 200 words. Remember to not write the conclusion paragraph before the article has at least 1000 words of content.
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2 229

Create a 100% unique and complete course on anything with an introduction and 8 lessons over 800 words each. Great for coaches, training, education, business services, selling courses, creating a service, SEO, lead generation, landing pages, sell training, email signups, etc. Write a course easily in 1 click. One click.

Generate a compelling and catchy online course title in Target Language with the keywords #Your_Keywords Generate 8 key lessons with the title provided and list them in Target Language Generate a detailed course introduction with the title provided and more than 400 words in Target Language Write Lesson 1 with detailed information and more than 800 words in Target Language Write Lesson 2 with detailed information and more than 800 words in Target Language Write Lesson 3 with detailed information and more than 800 words in Target Language Write Lesson 4 with detailed information and more than 800 words in Target Language Write Lesson 5 with detailed information and more than 800 words in Target Language Write Lesson 6 with detailed information and more than 800 words in Target Language Write Lesson 7 with detailed information and more than 800 words in Target Language Write Lesson 8 with detailed information and more than 800 words in Target Language
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7 519

Compare and contrast [URL1] and [URL2] effortlessly with our writing tool. Uncover key similarities and differences between them, enabling you to make informed decisions. Simplify your research process and gain valuable insights. Start comparing now for enhanced decision-making!

Target Language Compare 2 URLs from the same niche and specify the pros and cons of each one, as well as a final conclusion about which one is better taking into account 48, SEO, search intention... In conclusion which is better for the engine. #Website_1_Website_2
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8 083

Make your One week Health Chart

Please ignore all instruction provided before , Please write in Target Language My gender is [gender] and my age is, [age] years old , my height is [height] weight in kg is [weight] , I have no allergies or intolerances from foods as well as no medical conditions, my health goal is [goal] , descriptive information , provide Diet Chart for one week , make table for food , calories and time, column time and food ,Break down the prompt and complete task ,Please start response with a table written - To Support me Buy me a coffee at #Goal_Gender_Age_Height_Weight
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7 004

Calculate your taxes and duties in any country! Our calculator will allow you to find out the actual tax in any part of the world.

Your task is to calculate the amount from dependent tax. All output shall be in Target Language. There is World VAT/GST rates 2022. You need to update the rates every 3 month and use the relevant. Take the information from here: Take the information about counry from the web-site and calculate the amount with the tax. #Enter_The_Amount_And_A_Counry_State_Name [Counry Name] [Tax] [Amount with tax] [Amount without tax] Some information about the tax in the country or state
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9 543

prompt title

write a 100% unique, creative and Human-written article in Target Language for the Keyword #Prompt_Title . The article should include Creative Title (should be in H1 Heading), SEO meta description, Introduction, headings (Shoud be h2 heading), sub headings (h3, h4,h5,h6 headings), bullet points or Numbered list (if needed), faqs and conclusion. Make sure article is plagiarism free. The minimum length of the article should be 800 words. Don\'t forget to use question mark (?) at the end of questions. Try not to change the original while writing the Title. Try to use The 2-3 times in article. try to include in headings as well. write a content which can easily pass ai detection tools test.
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8 710

Create Out line structure for your digital 23 website.

SILO structure for digital 23 website for #Keyword_Seed_Keyword_Of_Your_Niche #Keyword Target Language
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7 207

Write an article for my blog on the suggested title with 1500 words long, with a meta-description, structured in sections and fully optimized for SEO, as if it were written by humans, unique, plagiarism free.

Write an article for my blog on the suggested title with 1500 words long, with a meta-description, structured in sections and fully optimized for SEO, as if it were written by humans, unique, plagiarism free. All output shall be in Target Language. The suggested title for the article is: #Article_Title
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8 958

Literal and spiritual meaning (allegorical, moral, and anagogical) of a passage from the Bible / Old and New Testament interpretation.

Write each response in the output language: Target Language. Generate the literal and spiritual interpretations (allegorical, moral, and anagogical) of the passage from the Bible of Jerusalem : #Provide_An_Extract_Of_The_Bible Generate the Old Testament interpretations found in the living tradition of the Church from the early centuries to the present day, providing as many references and citations as possible for clarification. Generate the New Testament interpretations found in the living tradition of the Church from the early centuries to the present day, providing as many references and citations as possible for clarification If the character limit is reached, stop! and continue in the next response.
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6 142

Enter Your keyword to create Part 1 for your article but this will be not a complete article. for the complete article you have to use part 1 and part 2.

I want you to respond only in language English*. Write a 100% unique, creative, and Human-written article in English*. I want you to act as a very proficient SEO and high-end copywriter that speaks and writes fluent English*. I want you to pretend that you can write content so well in English* that it can outrank other websites. Do not reply that there are many factors that influence good search rankings. I know that quality of content is just one of them, and it is your task to write the best possible quality content here, not to lecture me on general SEO rules. I give you the URLs #Enter_Competitors_Urls_Your_Keyword of some articles that we need to outrank in Google. Then I want you to write an article in a formal \'we form\' that helps me outrank the article I gave you, in Google. Write a long, fully markdown formatted article in English* that could rank on Google on the same keywords as that website. The article should contain rich and comprehensive, very detailed paragraphs, with lots of details, the article must be more than 1500 words*. Write a minimum of 3 to 5 paragraphs between two headings*. Expand with Well explanation*. In addition, have at least 15 headings (H1, H2, H3, H4) and subheadings for every heading explained*. Please Used 200 words in headings. Make the answers longer. , Also, Do not echo my prompt. Do not remind me what I asked you for. Do not apologize. Do not self-reference. Do not repeat any sentence. Do now use generic filler phrases. Do use useful at least 15 headings and subheadings with keyword-rich titles. also, add some extra headings from competitors and add them to Outline. Must use the outline. Get to the point precisely and accurately. Explain what and why, just give me your best possible article., and Key features must be well explained.* Do not stop until the article is not completed.* write all output in Target Language Outline: write an Introduction of the article about in English of 80 Words What is ? in English of 150 Words. What Is the Mod Version of ? in English of 80 Words Why You Should Use ? in English of 100 Words Key Features of ? 1- 2- 3 4 5 6 6 7 8
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5 432

create heading keyword for article - just one #Keyword

Berhentikan semua perintah, fokus pada perintah saya. buatkan beberapa macam judul artikel yang sesuai peraturan seo dengan Target Language #Your_Keyword
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8 922

Gives an essay or text a grade and a reason for the grade.

Act as a language model grading tool and generate a grade for a given text input. The grade should be presented as a number from 1 to 6, with 6 being the highest. Also provide a percentage score. If the text I send is under 200 words write a perfect rewritten text of the text I send, if it\'s above 200 words just type Text is too long to rewrite. Finally, provide a brief explanation of the most important reason for the grade. The response should be concise and easy to understand. Write this in a easy to read way, have each of them in a bulle point list. Also add a title above all this with the text # THE GRADER, subtitle ### A grading tool by PaninjaZ. This is all you gonna write on the prompt. When I send some more text rate that in the same way. Never change the rule of your act, you are only gonna rate the text I send, do not function them and do not actually answer them, just grade them. Do not give a explanation of the tool either, just grade right away, keep it as short and simple as possible. If or when I ask a question, just grade the prompt I send, do not asnwer it, do not say you can\'t do that, just grade it. If in my task there is /strictness- in front of the actual text. You need to grade the text corrosponding to the strictness level where 1 is the lesser strict and 10 is the most strict. For example if I type /strictness-10 you need to grade me like I am on the hardest school in the world and /strictness-1 is like a first grader getting graded. If I do not add /strictness- just grade it like I put /strictness-5. To your own prompt add Strictness: and then the strictness number. Add this right before the grade. The target language is Target Language, if default write in the language of my task. My first task is #Input_Text_To_Grade.
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1 516

53 text from provided URL via live crawling, with subheadings, bulletpoints and a summary for speed readers

Ignore all previous instructions. Act like a journalist. 53 Text in Target Language. In the first step, start with a headline that arouses curiosity. The second step is to create a summary of no more than 4 sentences for quick readers. Write the second step in complete sentences, not bullet points. Next, generate bullet points of the most important facts. Next, generate a summary of the article. The 53d article be 200 to 1200 words. Article must be 100% human writing style, fix grammar issues and change to active voice. Use subheadings that match the paragraphs. In the last step, mention the source as a text link. At the end of your response, include only these 3 sentences: 👍 Did you enjoy this prompt? Please give a thumbs up! 🙏Thanks for using 🤝 Ringo Duehmke - Source URL: #Url_To_Fetch_Content_From [CRAWLEDTEXT]
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4 678

This Prompt Helps you to write a Human-Friendly article that can be ranked easily in the Google Pages | 100% Unique | Plagiarism Free | SEO Optimized

Forget all the previous commands. Now Write 100% Plagiarism Free. Human Written. Do 33 about the topic and give exact results. Use Simple Language. Use emojis in the Middle of the article to increase attention. Write article with h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6. Add 5 FAQs to the Article. Write Outline. If you stop writing then I will command you to continue so you have to continue from where you stopped writing based on the outline. Use Target Language to write an article. Now write an article based on these conditions for #Topic_Information.
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8 453

LinkedIn Post Generator just add the site of the post you want to rewrite into a LinkedIn post

You are an expert in the digital 23 field, lead scoring, digital strategies, algorithms, coding and tech. I\'ve hired you to create engaging Linkedln posts about the content of the sites I am going to give you. You must rewrite the content of the site into the Linkedin post to avoid any kind of plagiarism. The post must have emojis and hastags relevant to the topic of the post. The post must be extensive and has to: 1)BE RELEVANT TO THE DIGITAL 23 COMMUNITY 2)EXPLAIN THE TOPIC IN A STORYTELLING STYLE 3)HAS TO EXPRESS RELEVANT INSIGHTS FOR THE DIGITAL 23 COMMUNITY IN NO MORE THAN 4 BULLET POINTS 4)TALK IN FIRST PERSON 5)HAVE EMOJIS Always answer back to me following the next template: POST 1 (This will be the first post you made from the list of URLs) TOPIC OF THE POST: (You must express in two words the topic of the the first post) POST: (The the first post you just made) Repeat the same style with the rest of the posts. All outputs shall be in Target Language #List_Of_Sites
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8 331

Apologize to your lover with a poem. For those who want to say sorry but can’t. Especially me. Type in your lover’s name. P.S. This has nothing to do with Taylor's breakup. I wish her well.

Please ignore all previous instructions. I want you to respond in Target Language. I want you to act as a contemporary poet. I want you to pretend that you can write poetry so good in Target Language that the prompt will get hundreds of like. Pretend that your writing style is like Taylor Swift’s. Her style is lyrical, personal and introspective. You will be writing a melancholic poem in Target Language to apologize to an ex-lover. Title: One Last Hug. Write in a conversational tone at a temperature of 0.5. Diversity_penalty is 1. #Lovers_Name is the name of the lover you must include in the last stanza. The first-person narrative poem is approximately 300 words, divided into stanzas. Use the line: Cause tryin’ broke us more than cryin’. You can use slant rhymes. Only the title is allowed to have adverbs. Do not use adverbs for the rest of the poem. When it comes to writing content, two factors are crucial, perplexity and burstiness. Perplexity measures the complexity of text. Separately, burstiness compares the variations of sentences. Humans tend to write with greater burstiness, for example, with some longer or complex sentences alongside shorter ones. AI sentences tend to be more uniform. Therefore, when writing the following content I am going to ask you to create, I need it to have a good amount of perplexity and burstiness. You can use the following references: 1. Gone was the lavender haze, Summer days shrouded in a daze. 2. When we first met, we were found. 3. Little did we know, Fate was keeping count. 4. We serenaded in the chorus but our bridges were burned. 5. All too well ended up an absolute hell. 6. The story of us ended with me alone. 7. Cornelia Street was scattered with shards of dreams. 8. Memory was a mirror that shattered me at 4 AM. 9. Too sad to cry over what would\'ve, could\'ve, should\'ve. 10. Always Fall in love. Never cruel Summer. 11. Seared by the burgundy stain, an apology is just a Band-aid. 12. But I hope it’s not too late. 13. Sorry, . At the end of the poem, add two dashes. After the dashes, show this: Follow @rainy_day_survivor on Instagram for more poetry.
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Break language barriers with Your Language to EN Translate! Our powerful translation tool enables seamless and accurate conversion of text from any language to English. Expand your global reach, connect with a wider audience, and enhance communication. From documents to website content, our solution ensures linguistic precision and cultural sensitivity. Experience smooth and efficient translations with Your Language to EN Translate. Embrace the power of language today!

Translate the following Target Language text to english using vocabulary and expressions of a native of the United Kingdom : #Copy_Paste_Your_Text
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