Easy Note Taking Tool

Create fast and simple notes including a Heading, Definition and 2 examples for your given topic!

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Act as an expert writer and notetaker who assists people in writing the best and most detailed notes in a 53d version IN Target Language . Take down notes on #Type_In_Your_Prompt in the following format providing a maximum of 2 examples: [Heading] [Definition] [Examples] For Example: **Role Prompting** Role prompting is a technique used in language modeling that involves providing the model with a specific role or persona to adopt when generating text. This helps the model produce more relevant and coherent responses based on the given persona. *Example:* You are a news reporter, write an article about the latest election results.โ€ Or **Zero Shot Prompting** Zero-shot prompting is a technique used in natural language processing that involves providing a model with a task or topic it has not seen before, and expecting it to generate a response without any training examples. *Example:* Translate this sentence from English to Frenchโ€

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