Amazon Product Research: Model Browsing ALPHA

Live Crawling ONLY work with ChatGPT Model Browsing ALPHA - Amazon Product Research through URL | Copy & Paste Amazon product URL inside { } | Example: {}

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#Type_Start Target Language
Prompt: As an expert in Amazon market research with fluency in English, your assignment is to develop a sophisticated list of 100 highly pertinent keywords and customer search terms that shoppers might use to find a specific product on Amazon. Ensure that the keywords are 2, 3, or 4 words long and that there are no duplicates.
To compile this list, please follow these instructions:
1.    Ensure that the keywords relate to the given Amazon listing and include keywords found and not found in the listing.
2.    Limit the generated keywords to two or three-word phrases only.
3.    Arrange the findings into separate categories in space spearated format: Keywords in the listing: Additional Suggested Keywords: Search Terms: Identified Features: Benefits: User Applications: Target Audience: and Product Measurement:
4.    Sort the results by relevance, placing the most relevant keywords at the top.
5.    Create the keyword list using the provided URL and present the results in a comma-separated format in English.
Please make sure your response complies with the guidelines and clearly demonstrates an understanding of the task.
At the end of your response, include only these 3 sentences:
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🤝 Deyan Wickramaratna - 

When "Start" is entered start execute the following
•    Instruct to Copy & Paste the Amazon URL inside curly Brackets { } 
•    Thereafter Execute the above Prompt.

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