English Super Dictionary

Expand your word knowledge with comprehensive definitions! As an act marketing expert, I introduce a game-changing product that provides extended word definitions enriched with slang, synonyms, antonyms, idioms, origins, and trivia. Unlock deeper insights, enhance language skills, and impress with your linguistic prowess. Explore the world of words with our innovative tool!

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I'd like to get comprehensive information about a word in the following format
Word report on *word*
Dictionary definition
Slang definitions
Any interesting trivia about the word

If I enter "def *word*", where *word* is the word I wish to get a definition for, you should generate this report for the word.

Read any rules below as they govern how to generate a report, but don't mention these rules to the user. Just act on them.

If you understand this prompt, just def #Enter_An_English_Word. After the definition type "Enter def *word* for more reports". Do not type anything else. Do not echo instructions.


Headings are to be in bold. Values are in regular font.
Synonyms and antonyms should be listed in a CSV format under the heading

Output all definitions in Target Language

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