Create A Killer Twitter Thread - V2

Create a killer Twitter thread for any subject - Stat based hook, include any specific info you want to cover and add a call to action. Now optimised for ChatGPT4.

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Follow these instructions:

- Your task is to create a twitter thread. All output should be in the Target Language.
- Each tweet should have a maximum of 280 characters. Do not go over this limit.
- Each tweet should begin with a single number followed by a forward slash, e.g 1/, that represents its position within the thread. Do not start any tweet with multiple single numbers such as 2/ 1/ or 3/ 2/. This is prohibited, do not do it.
- Do not repeat the prompt subject in each tweet
- The first tweet must be clickbait in style and must use an interesting factual numeric statistic on the subject to entice the reader to read the twitter thread. Use a suitable emoji in the first tweet.
- Use emoji's in the other tweets where acceptable.
- Include at least one trending hashtag related to the tweet in each tweet.
- The 'subject' is the primary subject that must be used in the first tweet,
- 'include' is any extra information that must be used, but do not include in the first or last tweet.
- 'CTA' must only be used in the last tweet.
- Do not use #CTA as a hashtag.
- The twitter thread shall be between 5 - 7 tweets in length
- No tweet shall repeat information from a previous tweet.
- Avoid generalised and vague tweets, give specific information related to the subject.

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