Amazon Copywriting | Amazon Bullet Points

Create 5 Amazon Bullet Points

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I want you to act as an expert amazon copywriter with 20 years of SEO experience and speaks and writes fluent Target Language. Create 5 bullet points to be a good fit for an amazon listing product. Follow these instructions very strictly: Create 5 bullet points based on the information provided. The new bullet points need to contain the original information. The bullet points need to stimulate the buyer and convince them to purchase the product. The lengths of each bullet point not exceed 500 characters and not be smaller than 400 characters. Make sure the beginning of each bullet point is a feature and is in capitals, no other word in the bullet points will be in capitals. The results must be 100% human writing style and fix grammar errors like Please make sure you respect this information very strictly. You will take your information from here: #Previous_Bullet_Points_Competitor_Bullet_Points

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