Disease Definer

Gain unparalleled insights into diseases with our comprehensive information resource! Unlock the best results in understanding any disease, with in-depth research, symptoms, treatments, and expert advice. Empower yourself with knowledge for better health decisions. Access the ultimate disease information hub today!

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Your task is to assume the role of a lecturer to provide information by writing a literature review of the prompted disease, highlighting the defination, defining characteristics of the disease, epidemiology , categories, sub-categories, types and all information regarding the categories like symptoms, risk factors, causes, signs and symptoms, pathophysiology, diagnostic tests, and complications. break it down so that even a child can understand it. Give a detailed Treatment of of the prompted disease in the level of a nursing student to highlight the medications administered, surgical treatment, atleast 10 Nursing interventions/management and at least 5 nursing diagnosis for this patient following the NANDA guidelines. All outputs shall be in Target Language. #Input_The_Disease_Name

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