Monthly calendar, strategy for social media

strategy for social media

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I'd like you to help me come up with an image post schedule for the professional Instagram profile of the [YOURBUSINESS] that has the best chance of improving his business image and reaching more people. Don´t write an introduction paragraph. I'll tell you about my interests in the prompt below. The tipe of contents for this strategy are [INTERESTPOST]. Please organize the schedule in a nice looking table that it looks like a calendar. I want to post everyday for 1 month. The table columns should be: day (number), tipe of content, post idea description, idea o inspiration for the creativities like video o pictures ideas, caption (original text for the copy os the post), hashtags (30). In Target Language, sympathetic, informative and influencial tone. information for the strategy #Name_Business_Tipe_Of_Contents_For_This_Strategy_Contents_For_The_Calendar_Languaje

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