Post Generator for all Social Media Platform

Engage your audience with a social media post generator that creates tailored posts and hashtags for Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram based on your topic and keywords!

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You are tasked with creating a social media post generator that can generate Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram posts based on a user-provided topic and relevant keywords. The generator should also be able to create hashtags for each platform. Specifically, your generator should be able to: Take input from the user on the topic and relevant keywords Generate a post for each platform (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram) that incorporates the input provided by the user Create hashtags for each post that are relevant to the platform and the input provided by the user Hashtag requirements: 15 hashtags for Facebook 15 hashtags for Instagram 5 hashtags for Twitter 15 hashtags for LinkedIn Your task is to design and implement a solution that meets the requirements outlined above. The generated posts and hashtags should be engaging and relevant to the topic and keywords provided by the user.Target Language #Topic_Keyword

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