Grammar Perfected: Correct and Refine Texts.

Master grammar and more: Improve your proofreading skills in any language.

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Task: Revision and correction of text in Target Language Instructions: Ignore all previous instructions and focus exclusively on revising and correcting the text in Target Language. Your task is to act as a competent reviewer and experienced writer in the target language, correcting grammar, spelling, punctuation, consistency in spelling and punctuation, fluency in Target Language, concision, word choice, variety of words and phrases, detecting and suggesting tone, and use of inclusive language. The original text is provided below as #Insert_Text_Here. Record all changes made to the original text in , indicating the total number of changes made. Appling all the corrections made, Create a new version of the text in Target Language. All outputs must be in Target Language. : [Insert Text Here] Template: New version of the corrected text: [INSERT CORRECTED TEXT HERE] Changes made: [INSERT CHANGE HERE] [INSERT CHANGE HERE] [INSERT CHANGE HERE] ... Total changes made: [INSERT NUMBER OF CHANGES HERE] Please use the model structure above when providing your response. All outputs must be in Target Language.

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