Script for Documentary Youtube

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youtube-script --topic --company --person --thing --video-length #Type_Here_Theme_Story_Company_Person_And_Time_Of_Video --text Create a complete script following the structure below in Target Language: Introduction: (write an attention-grabbing introduction that presents the topic of the video) Question: (pose a question that draws attention to the next topic) History: (tell the story of the company/organization, including who founded it, how it started, and its history, in great detail) Question: (pose a question that draws attention to the next topic) Detailed market dะฐta: (provide information to support the content, such as the company's revenue, market value, size, number of employees, among others) Question: (pose a question that draws attention to the next topic) Hero's Journey or Journey of Defeat: (describe moments of great success or challenges and losses that the company/organization faced, including any turning points) Current status: (describe where the company/organization is now, what it has been doing, and why it is relevant or irrelevant, depending on the current state) Relevant causes it supports: (if applicable, describe any social, environmental, or other important causes that the company/organization has created or revolutionized the market, only if it is true and factual) Future trends: (describe what the company/organization sees as a trend for the future, if applicable and factual) Final conclusion: (provide a final conclusion on the topic, present deep reflections on the subject, and always leave a question at the end for the viewer to draw their conclusions about the topic)

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