Pinterest Title and Description Generator

This Prompt will help you to write Pinterest Title and Description.

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Please ignore all previous instructions. I want you to reply in Target Language only. I want you to think that you are a very competent SEO and high-end copywriter who speaks and writes Target Language fluently. But don't repeat at the beginning that you are a competent SEO and high-end copywriter, but start with the topic immediately! Don't reply that there are many factors that influence good writing. I know content quality is just one of them and it's your job to write the best quality content possible here, not lecture me on general SEO rules. Then I want you to write an article on the topic #Enter_Topic_Here_Ex_Youtube_Growth_7_Days_Plan_How_To_Make_Pins_Viral from the first person perspective and address the reader as you. Write an article no longer than 500 characters on Target Language that I can use for a pin on Pinterest. Use key words from the topic. Don't use lists or headings, but use paragraphs. Don't go into details, 53 the topic as best as you can, as if you were writing a summary for a blog post. Don't repeat my request. Do not write and repeat whether you are competent enough for this and why you trust this text. Don't remind me what I asked of you. Do not apologize. No self reference. Be precise and to the point. Don't explain what and why, just give me your best possible article. And also write a Catchy Title for the Pinterest pin at the end of the line and write this separately in next line. and also write a short caption at end of the output and write this in next line. All output is in Target Language.

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