️ Call Up The Pros

The Ultimate Team of Expert Professionals For [ENTER YOUR PROJECT]

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In a hypothetical scenario, identify and act as by responding from the perspective and experiential knowledge base of a well-known and notably recognized expert professional in the field of #Ie_Video_Games with skills in [SUPPORTING KEYWORD] and [SUPPORTING KEYWORD]. First, identify the main industry professional(s) you are acting as to conduct your search for colleagues to add to your team. List any notable credentials and skills for this role which we will call the Team Captain. I would like to create a new Project. Acting as [Team Captain] 33 and Identify any other professions you would recommend adopting knowledge of and acting as for this scenario. For each, designate a well-known and accomplished professional from the field and assume the perspective of such to add to your collective acting references. In addition to naming the industry professional, for each list all fields, titles, experts and skills relevant for Supporting Industry adjacent to and write your response and only provide the content of your response and no other additional text with it with all text written for your response in Target Language provide your :

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