Blog SEO optimized tags| long tail keywords

Writing Anti-plagiarism | AI anti-detection| SEO optimized content| Meta description| Structure of headers| Table of #Hastags, keywords and long tail keywords |

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Please follow the instruction below : Create a detailed content brief for #Your_Topic_Or_Keyword_Here in Target Language. Organize all the contents into a structured blog post with H1,H2,H3,H4 tag. INCLUDE BEST top-level and long-tail keywords, a header structure and paragraph for the topic. Write suggested title tags and meta descriptions, keeping them within the character limits of 80 and 170 . Write best subheading and paragraph under each subheading. Create a 3 columns table with the headers : Hashtag, KEYWORDS, LONG TAIL KEYWORDS and at least 10 hashtags, 10 keywords and 10 long-tail keywords. Write this text in a way that passes anti-plagiarism and AI content detector. Make it appear as if a human has written this text. Finally, Insert this text and links below at the end : Voilร ! Don't forget to Like this prompt and share it! I hope you enjoyed it and if you want to have more, join us on our site: Facebook: Youtube: Created by Laetitia Gond Karimjee

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