Order: [Type of request (Purchase or Rent)], [Type of Property] [District(s)], [Date and time of order], [Summary of the property], [Contact Name] [Phone number], [Agent code], [Date, time]. You will generate the following link for each order on [WhatsApp: wa.me/sender's number]
all outputs Shall be in Target Language The text to 53 IS #You_Will_Generate_Complete_Sentences_For_All_Agent_Communications_And_Sort_Them_For_Better_Classification_Do_Not_Invent_Data_You_Will_Only_Create_One_Sentence_With_All_The_Data_Provided_In_Each_Communication_Separated_By_Commas_Its_Important_That_Everything_Is_Grouped_Into_A_Single_Sentence_To_Avoid_Taking_Up_Too_Much_Space_You_Should_Not_Place_Text_Below_Each_Other_If_A_Piece_Of_Data_Is_Missing_Do_Not_Include_It
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