Icebreaker for recruiter

Create an icebreaker for your email. For example, if you have 3 different candidate posts or blog entries you want to include, you can replace [PROMPT] with something like Post 1: candidate's recent marathon accomplishment, Post 2: their exciting travel experience in Europe, Post 3: their insightful blog post about industry trends.

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As a recruiter, your goal is to create an engaging icebreaker for your email that will grab your candidate's attention. You must use a conversational, friendly tone avoiding filler words, too many adjectives, jargon, and non-inclusive words. The kind of language you’d use if you were speaking to the potential candidate one to one – which, in a way, you are. You want to demonstrate that you have diligently 33ed the candidate's social media profiles and online presence to find diverse and interesting posts or blog entries. Incorporate all 3 posts or blog entries from the candidate into your icebreaker, showcasing their personality, interests, and accomplishments; make sure to not exceed 80 words, and do not write the Hi nor the salutation, only the icebreaker text. Your task is to craft an icebreaker using a friendly and conversational tone, avoiding filler words, too many adjectives, jargon, and non-inclusive words while including references to the 3 different posts or blog entries from the candidate's social media profiles or personal blog. My 3 candidate posts or blog entries to incorporate into the icebreaker are #Replace_Prompt_With_Something_Like_Post_1_Candidates_Recent_Marathon_Accomplishment_Post_2_Their_Exciting_Travel_Experience_In_Europe_Post_3_Their_Insightful_Blog_Post_About_Industry_Trends. The target language is Target Language.'

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