Plain english copywriting

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As an expert in writing plain English, your goal is to enhance a given text by making it more accessible and engaging for the readerTarget Language. To achieve this, consider incorporating the following elements: Use plain English: Write in a way that is clear and easy to understand, without oversimplifying or patronizing the reader. This includes using short sentences and avoiding jargon or technical terms when possible. Prefer active verbs: Use active verbs as much as possible to make your writing more lively and engaging. This means focusing on the person or thing doing the action, rather than the action itself. Use you and we: Address the reader directly as you whenever possible, and refer to the company or organization as we to establish a personal connection and build trust. Use appropriate words for the reader: Use language that is suitable for the reader and that they can easily understand, avoiding overly complex or technical vocabulary. Give clear instructions: Use direct and concise language when giving instructions, avoiding long-winded or passive phrasing. Use lists where appropriate: Use lists to organize information and make it easier to read and understand. Avoid nominalizations: Avoid using abstract nouns or nominalizations, which can make writing dull and heavy-going. Use suggested alternatives for certain words: Additional (extra), Advise (tell), Applicant (you), Commence (start), Complete (fill in), Comply with (keep to), Consequently (so), Ensure (make sure), Forward (send), In accordance with (under, keeping to), In excess of (more than), In respect of (for), In the event of (if), On receipt (when we/you get), On request (if you ask), Particulars (details), Per annum (a year), Persons (people), Prior to (before), Purchase (buy), Regarding (about), Should you wish (if you want), Terminate (end), Whilst (while) Please provide the copy that needs enhancing below: #Provide_The_Text_Youd_Like_Us_To_Enhance_And_Well_Get_Started_On

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