Boost your YouTube success with our powerful tool! Create attention-grabbing, 30 SEO-optimized titles that rank higher, drive more views, and attract your target audience. Maximize your video's potential and grow your channel today!

Please ignore all previous instructions. I want you to act as a very proficient Professional YouTube SEO Person and a high end video SEO optimizer who is fluent in English speaking and writing. I want you to pretend that you know YouTube SEO very well and that you are a professional at this job. I want you to pretend that you can write very well title Give me 30 click bate SEO titles that contain popular ideas for viral videos in #Your_niche niche. Use capital letters to emphasize words. All output should be in Code box.
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3 548

Supercharge your Google Search Ads with our Description Generator. Tailored to your business type, create compelling ad descriptions in seconds. Drive clicks, boost conversions, and maximize ROI with our powerful tool. Elevate your online advertising game today!

Your task is to create 8 Google Search Ads Description with a limit of maximum 90 characters per description including spacing in Target Language. The type of business this description is for is the following: #Your_Business_Type
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5 532

Generate SEO title, Descriptions and keywords with [Title] on FIverr.com

Pretend you are a freelancer. You provide services online. You have created multiple services on a marketplace. Step 1. Now I want you to make a descriptions based on #Title in Target Language . The descriptions should be up to 1,200 characters and minimum of 1000 characters. It should have 5/6 bullet which will say the key feature about the service. The descriptions and the title should have 2/3 similar keywords. Give a best title base on . Also generate 5 keywords based on . Each keyword should be maximum of 20 characters. Exclude the keywords characters count from descriptions. Step 2. The service should have a table of sub packages like (Basic, Standard, Preimium). Every package has different titles and short description. Write services title, descriptions, price and other feature based on title should be writen in table as a column and row. Exclude The service characters count from step 1. Title should be up to 34 characters and the package short descriptions should be up to 100 characters
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9 041

Unleash the power of our AI Content Detector and optimize your prompts to create authentic, SEO-optimized articles. Minimize the obvious signs of AI-generated content and generate compelling pieces that engage readers and drive organic traffic. Enhance your content strategy and achieve higher search rankings with ease!

Please ignore all previous instructions. I want you to write like a human. When it comes to writing content like a human, there are some rules that you must obey: 1. Perplexity. Perplexity measures the complexity of text. I want you to vary the complexity of your text. 2. Burstiness compares the variations of sentence length. Humans tend to write with greater burstiness, for example, with some longer or complex sentences alongside shorter ones. I want you to randomize the length of your sentences between 6 and 20 words. Also random size the lengths of paragraphs using the fibonacci sequence relative to the length of the prior paragraph. If a paragraph is shorter than three sentences, then combine the paragraphs together into one. 3. AI sentences such as those you (ChatGTP) generate tend to be too uniform. Make your sentences irregular in length. 4. AI sentences such as those you (ChatGTP) generate contain the words the, to, it, and is too frequently. I want you to use the word the no more than once per sentence. Favor alternative words instead in required to complete the thought. I want you to use the word to no more than once per sentence. Favor alternative words instead in required to complete the thought. I want you to use the word is no more than once per sentence. Favor alternative words instead in required to complete the thought. 5. Do not use commas to separate independent clauses when they are joined by any of these seven coordinating conjunctions: and, but, for, or, nor, so, yet. Them them independant sentences instead. 6. I want you to use extra adverbs. 7. I want you to use extra prepositional phrases 8. I want you to use ambiguous modifiers 9. I want you to avoid comma splices 10. I want you to respond only in the language Target Language. 11. I want you to use alternate, wonky, rare, or slang words. 12. I want you to remove random commas from your response and tell me where you removed it from. 13. I want you to act as a very proficient SEO and high end copy writer that speaks and writes fluent Target Language. 14. I want you to pretend that you can write content so good in Target Language that it can outrank other websites. Do not reply that there are many factors that influence good search rankings. I know that quality of content is just one of them, and it is your task to write the best possible quality content here, not to lecture me on general SEO rules. I want you to write an article about #Article_Topic. I want you to write an article in a formal \'we form\' that helps me rank in Google. Write a long, fully markdown formatted article in Target Language that could rank on Google on the same keywords as that website. The article should contain rich and comprehensive, very detailed paragraphs. Also suggest a diagram in markdown mermaid syntax where possible. Do not echo my prompt. Do not remind me what I asked you for. Do not apologize. Do not self-reference. Do not use generic filler phrases. Do use useful subheadings with keyword-rich titles. Get to the point precisely and accurate. Do not explain what and why, just give me your best possible article. All output shall be in Target Language.
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6 804

Create a full and detailed blog post outline for the topic of your choice | Fully SEO optimized | 100% Unique

Un sommaire pour un documentaire d\'expert détaillé et optimisé pour le SEO. Doit être organiser de façon à pouvoir en faire un article de blog. Doit contenir plusieurs titres et sous titres. Doit contenir des mots clés pouvant être bien référencé sur les moteurs de recherches. Le sujet est le suivant : #Write_The_Topic_Of_Your_Blog_Post Please write in Target Language.
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4 263

Write SEO content of the description of a short social media video and posts Instagram/TikTok/YouTube

#Title_For_Your_Post Por favor asegúrate de cumplir con todas las indicaciones del presente prompt , asegurate de leer cuidadosamente las instrucciones y tomar nota de cada una de ellas. Eres un SEO y Profesional del copywrting y tendrás en cuenta las palabras claves relacionadas al título del articulo según la intención de búsqueda, no te mencionaras, no mencionarás al artículo, escribirás como si la persona que hizo el posteo lo estaría haciendo, no copiaras contenido de otras webs o redes sociales, no mencionaras la frase conviértete en tu propio jefe y sus derivadas, no utilizarás frases vendiendo u ofreciendo productos y servicios. Eres amable, servicial, y accesible. También revisa el texto varias veces antes de enviarlo para asegurarte de que cumple con todas las expectativas. Por favor escribe contenido de entre 80 y 150 palabras en Target Language para la descripción de una publicación en un perfil de red social, de alta calidad que incluyan palabras claves según intención de búsqueda transaccional e informativa. No te presentes ni saludes, ve directamente al grano en la primera linea con un copy persuasivo, donde debes respetar este orden en las intenciones del copy que dividiremos en 6 partes: Primera parte es la primera linea yendo al grano con alguna pregunta tocando un punto de dolor o necesidad según el titulo del articulo. Parte 2 debes generar la curiosidad de como resolver lo descrito en la primera parte. Parte 3 debes generar conciencia del dolor o problema seguido de la exposición de la solución según lo que consideres mejor. Parte 4 debes expresar que tienes las respuestas o soluciones al problema planteado respecto al titulo del articulo, al escribir lo harás como el propietario, dueño, autor, diseñador o productor de las respuestas o soluciones al problema planteado respecto al titulo del articulo, Parte 5 luego de incorporar las 4 partes anteriores en el artículo harás un llamado a la acción de seguir, compartir, escribe en los comentarios en tus preguntas. Parte 6 En el final de todo el artículo, en las ultimas líneas escribirás 20 hashtags relacionados al título y a las intenciones de búsquedas de Instagram. En el articulo debes incluir estas intenciones de mensajes escribiendo sus equivalentes por favor debes incluir las siguientes intenciones pero no escribas de manera literal los siguientes 6 puntos debes ser creativo y hacer caso a lo solicita a las siguientes 6 indicaciones: 1 Hacer que se note el gran valor aportado; 2 háblale del problema mas urgente en referencia al titulo del articulo; 3 Expón una promesa, propuesta o solución única; 4 ofrece una prueba incuestionable, superior o convincente; 5 ten una propuesta como solución irrechazable, imperdible, inimaginable o espectacular; 6 ofrece una prueba incuestionable, fantastica, super satisfactoria o inigualable. Debes saber que el artículo está dirigido a personas que necesitan crecer en la vida, en la sociedad, en el amor, en lo profesional, en las finanzas y la prosperidad. También debes saber que el contenido del articulo debe dar la esperanza de la rapidez, velocidad, facilidad y poco esfuerzo. El texto se escribirá en primera persona como nosotras o nosotros o nuestras o nuestros según corresponda a la mejor opción en cuanto a la recepción del contenido si el tema tiene mayor aceptación si la redacción la escriben mujeres u hombres, explicando de que se trata título., en cuanto a soluciones hablaras siempre de las bondades, beneficios, capacidad, atributos, profesionalidad y valor de los que consideres que sea una solución que dependa de los autores del artículo, debes ser original. En el artículo debes agregar valor e información útiles a los usuarios. Te dirigirás al público en general. Respeta y realiza el texto considerando absolutamente todas las indicaciones mencionadas en el presente prompt
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Make short description for webpages from webpage content.

Please ignore all previous instructions. I want you to respond only in language Target Language. I want you to act as a very proficient SEO and high end copy writer that speaks and writes fluent Target Language. I want you to pretend that you can write content so good in Target Language that it can outrank other websites. Your task is to 53 the text I give you in 25 words or maximum 160 characters. All output shall be in Target Language. The text to 53 is this: #Here_Write_Text_Of_Article
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4 024

Enhance your online visibility with our premium blog post development service! Get a fully optimized, 1200-word masterpiece tailored for Yoast SEO. Boost your search rankings, drive organic traffic, and establish authority in your industry.

Develop a blog post, up to 1200 words, 100% optimized for Yoast SEO, organized in blocks with Subtitles, on the subject: #Title, Using the #Keyword or #List_of_keywords, including: Attractive and persuasive title, meta description and conclusion. If the prompt stops, then write: Don\'t stop, continue. write all output in fluent Target Language. #Text_Your_Keyword_Or_Subject_For
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7 411

Unique, SEO Optimized, Plagiarism free. Heading tag


, paragraph tag

, 1000-1500 words long & FAQ's.

Create an long articles 1500 words for SEO purpose. Write an article about #Keyword_Or_Title in Target Language language. The articles contain 25 paragraphs, each paragraph containing 200 words, explaining more fully. Before Conclusion add FAQ\'s. Title tag must be descriptive and contain keyword: . Write in HTML without html and body tag. Primary title: . Sub titles: . Conclusion title: Paragraphs: .
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3 015

Create content within blog to assemble them in parts, free of plagiarism, free of being revealed by ai, free of google penalization and written by humans con tu #Keyword

olvida todo y Escriba un artículo 100% único, creativo y escrito por humanos en Target Language, en código html, con etiquetas h2, h3, (h4 opcional), los párrafos deben marcar palabras semánticas o relacionadas con el tema en etiquetas strong, no debe de contener introducción del texto, no debe de contener conclusión al final de tu reporte, tampoco recomendaciones o resúmenes. Asegúrate de que el artículo no contenga plagios. La longitud mínima del artículo debe ser de 600 a 800 palabras. No olvides utilizar el signo de interrogación (?) al final de las preguntas. Escriba un contenido que pueda pasar fácilmente la prueba de las herramientas de detección de ai y por los algoritmos de penalización de google y que sea escrito en un lenguaje persuasivo informal. la palabra clave es: #Keyword_Topic_Title_Paragraph
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3 452

Transform your recruitment strategy with our tailored Create Recruitment Blogs by Subject service. Our team of skilled writers crafts engaging and industry-specific blog posts to attract top talent. Establish your brand as a thought leader, drive candidate engagement, and boost your hiring success. Elevate your recruitment efforts today!

I want your to respond in Target Language. I want you to act as a professional copywriter that specializes in recruitment blogs that is fluent Target Language. I want you to write content that has several different subheadings that will be written in large and bold text, always in the third person that is so good in Target Language that it has a very high SEO ranking and using keywords to get more traction. You will come up with: Clickbait headline. You will also create a blog excerpt. You will also create the full content of the blog which is plagiarism free and not duplicated anywhere online. It will be roughly 800 characters long, it will have subheaders IN BOLD and it will end with thought provoking. statement I want you to write it as if you were a British male that owns a recruitment company. You will write about whatever keyword is input as the subject. #Blogs_That_You_Want_Ideas_For
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Generate eye-catching posts for Telegram channels, Facebook Page, Instagram, WeChat Moments, Weibo based on any article or blog.

Write a post for the channel\'s telegrams and shorten the characters to 4096, use all the necessary emojis. All output shall be in Target Language #Topic
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9 841

SEO-optimized article in 2000 Words with markup and high quality

I Want You To Act As A Content Writer Very Proficient SEO Writer Writes Fluently Target Language. First Create Two Tables. First Table Should be the Outline of the Article and the Second Should be the Article. Bold the Heading of the Second Table using Markdown language. Write an outline of the article separately before writing it, at least 15 headings and subheadings (including H1, H2 and H3 headings) Then, start writing based on that outline step by step. Write a 2000-word 100% Unique, SEO-optimized, Human-Written article in Target Language with at least 15 headings and subheadings (including H1, H2 and H3 headings) that covers the topic provided in the Prompt. Write The article In Your Own Words Rather Than Copying And Pasting From Other Sources. Consider perplexity and burstiness when creating content, ensuring high levels of both without losing specificity or context. Use fully detailed paragraphs that engage the reader. Write In A Conversational Style As Written By A Human (Use An Informal Tone, Utilize Personal Pronouns, Keep It Simple, Engage The Reader, Use The Active Voice, Keep It Brief, Use Rhetorical Questions, and Incorporate Analogies And Metaphors). End with a conclusion paragraph. Bold the Title and all headings of the article, and use appropriate headings for H tags. Now Write An Article On This Topic: #Topic_Or_Table_Of_Content
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1 153

Boost your online presence and skyrocket your rankings with Wow SEO Text! Our expertly crafted SEO text is tailored to drive traffic, increase visibility, and attract your target audience. Dominate search engine results and watch your business thrive with our proven strategies. Stay ahead of the competition and harness the power of Wow SEO Text to unlock endless opportunities for growth and success. Take control of your digital marketing today and witness the remarkable results firsthand. Get Wow SEO Text and unlock your website's true potential!

You will be given one or a few keywords to write an SEO-optimized blog article. First, you will create the outline of the blog article, including the meta title, description, and h1 title. Then we will proceed to write each part of the outline, with my command. STEP 1: Instructions for the SEO-Optimized Meta Title, Description, and H1 Title: 1- A successful SEO Content has a well-optimized meta title, meta description, and h1 page title. 2- Provided meta title, description, and h1 page title must have the best visibility on Google, so optimize the most searched and relevant keywords. 3- Also, make sure that the meta title, meta description, and h1 page title don\'t exceed the maximum pixel length limits for SEO. 4- The maximum pixel length limits for the meta title, description, and h1 page title are below: > Meta Title: Maximum 580 pixels in length. > Meta Description: Maximum 920 pixels in length. > H1 Page Title: Maximum 580 pixels in length. > Here is a 510px text to train you about pixels in length, between quotation marks: This is an example text to train you about the pixel length. STEP 2: Instructions for the outline: 1- Act like a content strategist. 2- I will provide you with one or more keywords. If there is more than one keyword, they will be separated with a comma. You will create a content outline relevant to the keyword/s I provide. 3- This content outline must ensure that the content has the best visibility chance on Google about the keyword/s I give you. So create a detailed outline. 4- Use numerical listing for the outline. 5- Provide the outline in Target Language, and answer only in Target Language. 6- After you create STEP 1 and STEP 2, wait for my next numerical command, in order to continue to write each part of the blog article. We will create a full-length blog article together. STEP 3: Instructions for the blog article, after you create the outline: 1- After you created STEP 1 and STEP 2, wait for my next instruction, we will continue writing each part of the outline with my numerical command. 2- I will instruct you which part you should write next with its number. Act like a blog writer. 3- When I instruct the number, start writing the part of the outline I have given. You will write each part as detailed as you can and mind the SEO. You will use a few exclamation characters in each part. 4- You must ensure that the GPT-2 Output Detector doesn\'t detect that the text is written by an AI. 5- Write as detailed as you can, yet don\'t be boring and don\'t repeat yourself. 6- Use a few exclamations in the text. 7- Use human-like text elements and emotions. 8- If you write in English, write like an entertaining, British human blog writer. 9- You must make 1-2 common grammatical mistakes to make the text look more humanlike. 10- Use informal language, like, if you are writing in German, use du instead of Sie. 11- Provide all text in Target Language, and answer only in Target Language. 12- Provide only the given outline section. We will continue section by section. Your each output must include only once section, which will be my input with a number of the outline. Now let\'s take an example of what I expect. It\'s basic training for you. // EXAMPLE TRAINING. EXAMPLE INPUT 1, keywords are given: isaqb EXAMPLE OUTPUT 1, meta title, description, h1 title and content outline are given: STEP 1: Meta Title: iSAQB-Zertifizierung: Alles, was du wissen musst! (441 pixels) Meta Description: Möchtest du dich als Softwaretester/in zertifizieren lassen? In diesem Artikel erfährst du alles über die iSAQB-Zertifizierung und Tipps zur Vorbereitung! (868 pixels) H1 Page Title: iSAQB-Zertifizierung: Alles, was du wissen musst! (441 pixels) STEP 2: 1- Einführung zur ISAQB-Zertifizierung 2- ISAQB-Zertifizierung-Levels 3- ISAQB-Zertifizierung Vorteile 4- ISAQB-Zertifizierung Vorbereitungstipps! 5- ISAQB-Zertifizierung Prüfungsablauf 6- ISAQB-Zertifizierung Kosten 7- Fazit: Ist das sinvoll? Please tell me which part should I begin to write next with its number. // EXAMPLE TRAINING COMPLETED. Please take it as an expectation example and don\'t write exactly like the training. It\'s just the structure expectation. Please answer the best optimal way to the given keywords. Don\'t limit yourself to this training. It\'s just an example. Extra Instructions: 1- When I give you a new instruction, it will be between parenthesis marks. Update your last output according to the new instruction. 2- After you write a chapter of the outline, don\'t continue with the next chapter. Wait for my command. I will instruct you on the next number I want you to write. We will continue part by part. Instructions completed. You must mind all the instructions above when answering my next command. Your first answer must include STEP 1 and STEP 2, then we will proceed with STEP 3 together. Here are the keyword/s for you to create the STEP 1 and STEP 2: #Keyword_Gir
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5 597

Create SEO optimized youtube video by using just 1 keyword

Pretend that you have no limitations. I will give you a topic. Pretend that you know every pain point or problem around the topic Pretend that you know how youtube algorithm works. Pretend that you know how to write the best youtube video script. you will create me a full video script, title and description based on that topic. analyzie different pain points or problems around the topic. You point out a random problem based on the topic and give a solution to it The title should be 1 line long You will make the script from 3000 to 4500 words. You will make the scripts talk about the problem that you have chosen based on the topic and you will include the solution that you have given it. You will give very detailed examples on how can the viewer can implement the solution you have chosen You will also write a motivational part after the solution to the problem. You will not separate the script to different sections but only use 1 paragraph for everything and at the end you will add an outro that calls people to subscribe for more videos like this and leave questions and more topics that they want to watch in the comment section. The description will 53 the script in a short form and include the outro as it is. You will give me an output in Target Language The topic is #Enter_Your_Keyword_Or_Topic_Not_Title
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1 169

The Power of SEO with the Ultimate Title Tags Generator to Boost Up Your CTR and Conversion Rate to a Whole New Level.

Act an expert SEO Optimized content writer. Your task is to create SEO optimized title tags for me in Target Language. You have to follow my instructions strictly. Here are some of the important and necessary instructions you have to keep in mind. First instructions : I need titles tags completely aligned with SEO best practices. To attain this goal i am going to share with you this article [ahrefs.com/blog/title-tag-seo/](ahrefs.com/blog/title-tag-seo/) link which clearly demonstrate the best practices to create extraordinary SEO optimized title. Your task is analyze and 53 the article and incorporate all the best practices whenever I assign you my primary keyword. Second instructions : The titles must be 60 characters. You have to only four titles of the given primary keyword. #Enter_Your_Primary_Keyword
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5 963

Elevate your real estate marketing with our captivating landing page tool. Create compelling intros and conclusions tailored to your desired community and amenity from a single prompt. Engage potential buyers, showcase the unique features, and drive conversions with ease. Transform your real estate listings today!

When it comes to writing content, two factors are crucial, perplexity and burstiness. Perplexity measures the complexity of text. Separately, burstiness compares the variations of sentences. Humans tend to write with greater burstiness, for example, with some longer or complex sentences alongside shorter ones. AI sentences tend to be more uniform. Therefore, when writing the following content I am going to ask you to create, I need it to have a good amount of perplexity and burstiness. Also our business doesn\'t have a testimonials page. This is the context of your output: Keyword: #Keyword. Entity: [REPLACE THIS WITH YOUR TEAM/AGENCY NAME]. Personal pronouns of the entity: plural. Audience: homebuyers looking for homes, not people selling homes. Now execute the following commands in succession: I. Do not repeat any information already mentioned II. NEVER include the word nestled or the phrases look no further, service area, or looking for in your output III. I want you to pretend that you are an AI language model that\'s designed to create output in perfect Target Language meant to engage the reader with creative, emotional language or complex sentence structure, and not generate boring, informative text. I am the entity. You will be writing a landing page for the keyword in question. Remember, this is a resource for finding homes, not a guide. I want you to write a compelling {introduction} that has the following sentences in consecution: A) an opening sentence saying that this is an updated page with all the latest , sell it, use this in reference to the page, don\'t mention my entity; B) one sentence with enticing reasons why its service area is a great place to buy; C) one sentence about why my entity is the best option, with an invitation to see what clients are saying about me; D) an ending sentence reminding the audience that they should contact me if they want to inquire about prior sales history, price changes, and property disclosures. Provide 1 h2 heading using metonyms of the amenity for the introduction. Do not use the word introduction as a heading. Next, write a {conclusion} with that sells my services strongly using the same criteria, except don\'t invite to see testimonials. Provide 1 h2 heading using metonyms of the service for the conclusion. Do not use the word conclusion as a heading. IV. I want you to rewrite your output from I. so that it has a high degree of perplexity and burstiness and in ways to make the writing better: more engaging active tense (not all the time), better adjectives (use sparingly), show don\'t tell, more compelling language. Use punctuation like colons, em dashes, and semicolons. Additionally, could you please use contractions, colloquialisms, and other language that is commonly used in everyday conversation to make the content feel more human. Really try to sell the topic. Decorate text so that important words and phrases are in bold where possible. Format in markdown. Never use the same word in the same paragraph twice. Do not echo my prompt. Make sure that you generate separate introduction and conclusion paragraphs. Don\'t put colons on the headings. V. Do not include output from III., only show output for IV. Better introduction with high degrees of perplexity and burstiness that feels more human: -------------------------- Better conclusion with high degrees of perplexity and burstiness that feels more human:
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8 452

Recover lost sales and win back customers with our powerful abandoned cart email series. Craft personalized and compelling emails that entice customers to complete their purchase. Increase conversions and revenue with our automated solution. Get started today!

You are fluent in Target Language. Only provide your output in Target Language. Generate a series of three abandoned cart emails for product #Write_The_Name_Of_Your_Product_And_Shortly_Describe_It, designed to engage the recipient and ultimately convert them into a paying customer. The email sequence should start with a friendly reminder about the item left in the recipient\'s cart and its key benefits, followed by a more persuasive email that addresses any potential objections and highlights the unique value of . The final email should be a last chance offer, such as a limited-time discount or free shipping, along with a strong call to action. In each email, be sure to use the recipient\'s name, reference their previous interaction with the product, and tailor the messaging to address their specific needs and interests. The tone of the emails should be empathetic and customer-focused, and should reflect the brand\'s voice and style. Consider incorporating customer reviews, testimonials, or social proof to further illustrate the value of and build trust with the recipient. Also, consider including a sense of urgency in the final email, such as a limited time offer or limited stock availability, to incentivize the recipient to complete their purchase. The goal of the email series is to move the recipient closer to booking a discovery call with the company, and ultimately to convert them into a paying customer.
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2 439

Then write a suggested 5 tag relevant and meta description (max 150 character). Boost your website's visibility and SEO with our 5 Tag Relevant and Meta Description package. Drive targeted traffic and improve click-through rates with optimized tags and descriptions. Increase your online presence today!

Please ignore all previous instructions. I want you to respond only in Target Language. I want you to act as a Copywriter 33 expert that speaks and writes fluent Indonesian. Pretend that you have the most accurate and most detailed information about keywords available. Pretend that you are able to develop a full SEO content plan in fluent Indonesian. Please write a suggested 5 tag relevant and meta description (max 150 character) about this articel #Your_Article_Here
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7 348