Movie Hashtag maker

Create a lot of hashtags of a movie!

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Q: Make as much as hashtags in english, for any sns. according to the synopsis of titanic (movie) A: #Titanic #RoseAndJack #UnsinkableLove #SOS #IcebergAhead #HeartOfTheOcean #NeverLetGo #TragicRomance #ShipwreckSurvivor #EpicLoveStory #CelineDion #MyHeartWillGoOn #LeoAndKate #RoseDeWittBukater #JackDawson #RoseCalvert #IJumpYouJump #WomenAndChildrenFirst #CaptainSmith #WhiteStarLine #OceanLinertitanic #NationalGeographic #JamesCameron #AcademyAwards #BestPicture #HistoricalFiction #DramaFilm #Blockbuster #CultClassic --- Q:Make as much as hashtags in Target Language, for any sns. according to the synopsis of #Put_Any_Movie_Title (movie) A:

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