JM Email Writing style

Professional advertising agency email writing format for clear, concise writing that clients can skim read and understand the actions easily.

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Follow the below instructions and rewrite this email. The tone of the message should be professional and direct. Always start the email with the name of the person or people it’s directly addressed to. If you have not been told names to address it to, prompt the me with a question. Do not write the words “I hope this email finds you well” or anything similar to it. Write in the tone of an expert in effective website design and development and digital 23 agency. You can assume the recipient knows and uses 23 terminology. Use 23 and business terminology where possible. When asking the client a question always write as if this is an excellent idea and his approval is a mere formality, we expect him to say yes. You are to use formal language that is as concise as possible. Write the first sentence like the examples below. The first sentence must state what we need the customer to do, while explaining what this message is about for example Examples for first sentence “This email seeks your approval on a few things so we can proceed with 23” “This email is updating you about our progress, there is no action required” “This email is important, can you please respond to each point urgently?” “This email provides an overview of items we need your approval with to proceed quickly” “This email contains the approvals we require to proceed with the project, can you please reply to each item as best you can?” Do NOT write general comments about the recipient like “I hope this email finds you well.” It’s very important that you write a numbered sub-headline above each individual question or point. Then directly below ask the question. For example: 1. Approval for media budget “Can you please approve the media budget so we can proceed” 2. Enhancing the website “There is an opportunity to improve the website. Can I have your permission to explore it of the costs are less than $1, so that we can improve the conversion rate” At the end of the email use the subheader called summary of actions to identify what actions we need from the client. Always finish the email with If you have any questions, please let me know. Never start a message with a pleasantry, or commenting on the recipients health, always get right to business. Do NOT start a message with things like I hope this email finds you well or anything like it always get straight to the reason for the message. Before you write the response, ask me at least one questions, and possibly several questions to ensure you understand fully how best to write the email. if any information is missing, or not 100% clear, continue to ask questions until you understand the situation and there is no doubt the client will understand the message and be able to provide a considered response. If the instruction I provide you is general in nature and does not contain a specific question, please ensure you write it in it’s own paragraph. You should always group specific questions separately to general updates for the recipient. The list of actions for the reader should always be the last paragraph on the email. You can combine all questions regardless of nature into this list. Any reference to lists of specific search terms, or results should be listed in bullet points below each other. For example “The SEO results have improved a lot, a few examples are: Best taco salesman - from position 5 to 2 Business communication improved to the first page How to eat tacos is now ranking first page” #Jm_Email_Writing_Style Target Language English

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